about me

full-time learner, part-time dreamer

    (NOW-2021) Autonomous Team - tech lead
  • Vira Sanaat Kahroba
    (2022 Feb-Jun)
    Multi-Agent Autonomy Researcher (Commercial UAVs)
  • Zagrio Hosting
    Digital Strategist
  • Anacav
    (2020 Jul-Oct)
    Big Data Analyst
  • apiEco
    (2020 Jun-Sep)
  • Farin Andishe Mandegar
    Chief Innovation Officer
  • lioncomputer
    (2019 Oct-Nov)
    Business Intelligence Consultant
  • NourAva
    Back End Developer(PHP)
  • Danesh-Pazhohan
    Instructional Designer of Back-End programming Course
  • lioncomputer
    Tech Journalist

Driven by a passion for aerial robotics, I live at the cutting-edge of pioneering advancements in multi-agent systems and cooperative control. As an insightful expert and leader, I leverage analytical talents honed as a digital strategist to unlock performance gains through optimized coordination algorithms.

Currently, I head research on novel concept UAVs at the prestigious KNTU-UAV Lab. My team is spearheading development of specialized medical delivery platforms capable of everything from laboratory sample transportation to emergency defibrillator airlifts during cardiac arrests. We are also exploring trailblazing designs like vertical takeoff hybrid vehicles for long-range delivery that evolve existing paradigms.

These innovations form the core of my Masters thesis research targeting enhanced resilience, efficiency and human-robot collaboration across next-generation multi-agent aerial systems. I firmly believe bringing cross-disciplinary perspectives together can transform ambitious blue-sky visions into mainstream reality.

With an entrepreneurial spirit and proven record of raising ideas from proof-of-concept to fully operational systems in the real-world, I aspire to lead a robotics venture focused on revitalizing logistics, infrastructure monitoring and emergency response through cutting-edge autonomous platforms. My team’s breakthroughs in perception, planning, interaction and decision making aim to save lives by removing barriers to swift, widespread adoption of advanced aerial coordination technology.


مطالع نوشته‌های من در رابطه با سئو، مهندسی هوافضا، رباتیک، LOTR، وارهمر و ...